~ Written By Dave Chellis ~
It is a time of great reflection. The U.S.S. Economy is listing to port, and national healthcare is teetering on the brink of being somehow more annoyingly prevalent on a daily basis. And as we prepare for winter (notice I skipped autumn – I’m still holding out that the heat has kicked it to the curb), finally something worthy of paying attention to has squirmed its way back into our Wednesday nights. Our two favorite plumbers have once again scoured the landscape of greenery and pipeage and shown us a reflection into the counterintuitive world of the paranormal. And there’s no princess to save this time friends. Kris is a full fledge ghost hunter, whatever that means.
Let me start by saying I’ve been a fan since day one. I love these guys and what they do. Whether you agree with all the hype and fanfare surrounding them, something about the team makes you want to hang with them. They’ve become the cool kids we all wanted to be without really even trying. And we’ve grown up with them. There were the early days…. remember “Dude run?”. The TAPS trailer? The twin demonologists? Watching those episodes now, it’s amazing how far they’ve come. I feel like I’ve been a part of their growth both as a maturing team and as a group of friends. And while I don’t agree with everything they do, the respect is there. They’ve given light to a profession stuck in a dark corner.
So why does it matter anyway? Skeptics will never cave without seeing a full apparition walk up and high five someone. And that’s okay. I’m not worried about those people. You know why? Because everyone knows apparitions don’t like high fives. When you’re dead and gone, it’s lost its meaning entirely. This is a good point in my rhetorical rambling to introduce one of my favorite quotes:
âFor those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.â – Stuart Chase
Admittedly it’s a hard pill to swallow. To think that somehow human ingenuity has crossed with Para dimensional boundaries is an unbelievably difficult evolution to understand. Did our caveman hands really construct a K2 meter? How is it that we’ve been trying for 50 some odd years to contact potential alien life forms, yet science will routinely discount the possibility of communicating with spirits? Is it so far fetched to assume that our ancestors might actually have something to say to us? I mean really… if aliens do exists, they have far more to learn from our attempts at communication than we of their “awesome technology.” If we’re talking EMF fields and temperature fluctuations, then we’re talking science. And if we’re talking science, then we’re talking theories. And if we’re talking theories, than I theorize that maybe, just maybe, we’ve exhausted all the tax payer money I’m willing to part with in search of E.T.’s secret lair.
So where do we draw the line for reality or realism? Is it all ratings and hype? Do Grant and Jason really want to make a difference in the field? Yes, and they deserve our support. No matter the method of their delivery, we are akin to the notion that what they want is what we want. We all want to believe in something. And whether you believed in Santa or not, somehow all those goods were there in the morning weren’t they?
I whole heartedly wish the Ghost Hunters a successful autumn season. They are the truth seekers, the purveyors of our creed. And while their feet will never stick solid in scientific factuality, they are the eyes and ears of an ever growing army of believers. Kudos, and thanks for all the memories.
Visit Dave’s site: www.charlestonparanormalsociety.com
I wrote a larger review page of Ghost Hunters a little while ago. If anyone here is interested, heres a link to it. http://www.thebeyond.info/television/ghosthunters.htm
I bring it up because I go MUCH more in depth about the show there and after reading this, you might want another perspective. Here, I’ll just mention a few points.
Normally, on The Beyond, we don’t put any one investigation team on a pedistal. NOBODY, not any investigator, OR team has accomplished ANYTHING substantial in the field yet. Because of this, we try to discourage putting others in the field on pedistals whenever possible. Being famous doesn’t make anyone LOSE respect in my book, but unlike a LOT of other people in the world, it doesn’t EARN my respect either.
With that said, I have to be honest. I see Ghost hunters as a television show. It’s a business designed to sell products by getting people to tune in. The better the ratings, the more expensive airtime is to advertise, and the more money made.
Jason and Grant are two of the producers of this television show, as well as the people that guide where the show goes, and what we as viewers see. Am I to believe that they’re more interested in the science than getting those ratings? I’m not accusing them of anything but doing what I think ANYONE with half a brain would do… Try to make more money.
That’s not a bad thing. And they’re doing a good job of entertaining people in the process.
Is the business of television about paranormal discovery, or selling soap?
It’s a reality television show, and I don’t think that it’s any more real than someone making tribes and surviving on an island until they get voted off.
Is that a cynical view? Yeah. It’s not cynical about ghost hunting, or the field. Everyone knows I’m a believer. It’s about the network that brought us programs like Mansquito, and Manticore, as well as that COMPLETELY NOT sci-fi wrestling that they show frequently.
For some odd reason I doubt the integrity of their programming. Didn’t Ghost Hunters have wrestlers on their show doing investigations a few times? Was that done for science or ratings? I wonder.
I’m just saying that I think it’s a good idea to enjoy the show for what it is. It’s a piece of (arguably)good reality entertainment, but taking it much more seriously than that might not be the best thing to encourage.
Dave, I like you, and your investigation team. Sorry. This one struck a nerve with me.
And as with everything, I’m open minded. I’m willing to see the error of my ways if someone can show me GOOD reason.
Bill Stone (above) is wrong. Ghost Hunters is much, much more than just “reality entertainment” as the above commenter writes. Some people are either jealous or just like to bash other more successful investigators and researchers for reasons that I still don’t fully understand. The truth is, Jason and Grant are the two best and most trustworthy paranormal investigators. Ghost Hunters is top notch and all evidence goes through rigorous examination before they deem it paranormal. So what if they had wrestlers on their show once — FYI, that was the Halloween special that ran from 9:00 PM-3:00 AM, and it was announced beforehand that there would be some entertainment on it. But on all of Ghost Hunter’s regular Sci Fi shows, it’s ALWAYS just the TAPS team. So far the new season has been great, and look forward to the rest of the season.
ghost hunters is a fraud. they are compelled by the need to produce interesting enough footage.
they have gone from what seems to have been a small grass roots group to a massive business with a huge production crew, several “teams” and a print version. for me they jumped the shark when during the investigation of eastern state pen the “ghost” turns and runs down the hall, lifting his grey sheet covering and exposing his tennis shoe to the camera. (It was truly odd that the show’s editors decided to include footage that clearly exposed them.) The grey sheeted ghoulie appeared once again at the door of the myrtles plantation, where despite his appearance, the team declared the myrtles “not haunted.” (take a look at the manager’s face when the team showed her the ghost at the door footage…she clearly knew they had perpetrated a hoax. then get another look at her when they make their “not haunted ” judgment. it’s priceless.) the other outrageous expose is available online, and explains how grant was able to use a simple hidden string to pull down on the back of his collar. (he claimed a ghost tugged at his jacket.) do some investigating on the internet to get some feedback about how these investigations are actually conducted. you will be disillusioned. the other ill advised tendency is the use of “demonologists” in their investigations, and i think it points out the overall trend in the paranormal/media to sensationalize unexplained events as “of the devil, demonic.” it’s a shame that this show, like most haunted before it, has had access to so many fabulous places and has had to resort to hoaxing, due to production restraints. if they had done actual investigations with no time limitations, they might by now have some REALLY compelling evidence. if you watch the early shows and compare them to the latter ones, you can see the shows (and grants) gradual decline. there is no paranormal show on tv that is genuine.
T’mara posts lies and BS. I have the proof to debunk all of T’mara’s bogus claims, but I’m at work, and don’t have time to do so. But believe me, I have the evidence that would prove that he/she is wrong about those cited investigations and false accusations against GH.
Dave, what’s with all the angry debunkers who are posting so many lies and misinformation about authentic paranromal investigators? I agree with another commentor who suggests they are probably jealous of Jason and Grant’s success. There are some who claim they’re interested in the paranormal, but are actually debunkers in sheep’s clothing, and hop around the internet attacking great investigators like those on the TAPS team and others, but their motives are self-serving and incredibly transparent! They are know-it-alls who actually know NOTHING and love the opportunity to flap their gums, but only come across appearing ignorant. Only other debunkers will join their sad and ultimately futile cause.
ROFL T’mara calls the great TAPS team a “fraud”!!!
Don’t ya just love these idiotic debunkers who don’t know what they’re talking about and try to bring talented paranormal researchers down? Hey, T’mara…….you need to be posting your slanderous lies on James Randi’s site, that’s more your speed!
Great post, Dave. I love Ghost Hunters and have always found them to be extremely credible. Other investigative teams not so much, except I like Ghost Adventures on Travel Channel, too. In fact, the TAPS team investigated a friend’s house a few years ago and found them to be the real deal; very honest, and the entire team’s research techniques impeccable. There was no fraud involved at all, and this show aired on the Sci Fi Channel.
Best regards. Keep up the great work.
I’ve been watching Ghost Hunters since it first started, and I find it pretty revealing that in the beginning they rarely pronounced any place “haunted” (even when the owners recounted many incidents they’d experienced for years, Jason always seemed to take pleasure in informing them that their house wasn’t haunted based on a few hours’ investigation by TAPS) – but now, they always find something, even if it’s just a distorted EVP.
Another thing I think is ridiculous is how their methodology has changed over the years; now they order ghosts to perform on command and consider it “communication” when lights on their meters go off in response to questions. What exactly is the difference between this and using a Ouija board?
But the thing that bugs me the most about GH is the way it’s always the FEMALE members of the team who do all the research. Jason and Grant treat the women like they are their secretaries. And that really tells me everything I need to know about Ghost Hunters.
It’s the same way on Ghost Hunters International, too. At the beginning of each episode, it’s always one of the women who dutifully (and usually, flatly) recites the facts of whatever locale they’re visiting…like the guys just can’t be bothered to look it up themselves.
While I’m on the subject of GHI, though, I want to mention that I usually prefer it to GH because they have visited some sites I find very interesting, regardless of whether they are haunted or not.
They are frauds. The need to produce comping enough footage to garner ratings makes them vunerable to conducting less than scientific or objective investigations. It’s a fact of life…ratings are paramount, and they are forced to come up with interesting enough footage to get ratings, insure their show will be popular enogh to be renewed and continue to bring home
the bacon for what has become a large enterprise. Would you watch it if they walked thru empty sites and found nothing? In addition, they count on the lack of analysis of their evidence by their audience, and it’s knee jerk acceptance of anything and everything that is portrayed on television. They exhibit no critical thinking skills. This show may be entertaining but it in no way qualifies as an investivation. I particulary enjoy watching barry fitz manufacture evidence. In ireland two unidentified heat signatures were called “paranormal” they were obviously animals out in the fields. In another episode he identified his own reflection in a glass display case as that of a ghostly child. Barry is one of the worst offenders. But they all do it, because they must to survive.
T’amara obviously has an axe to grind, since I noticed this person has posted misinformation in two separate posts. Healthy skepticism is a great thing, but that’s not what T’amara and her types are all about, since he/she is intent on posting total lies and refuses to research to get her facts straight. But it’s always best to ignore these types of debunkers who try to slander others work with lies, since a ghost could come up and high-five them and they’d STILL find a way to debunk it. They REFUSE to believe. TAPS has produced tons of credible evidence and Class A EVPS over the years. You see – their attacks on the paranormal and TAPS aren’t coming from a lack of evidence out there by Jason and Grant, or anybody else, but are internal, and no amount of “evidence” will cure that. Only a good shrink will.
Whew 9 comments! I’m stirring the pot! Heh, back to the meat of the issue… I wanted to take a moment and respond to some of what’s been said. First, I respect the TAPS team their accomplishments, and for getting out the message of taking a debunking approach on things. That alone is their best achievement, and is worthy of our admiration. What’s important is to take what we can from them. We don’t have to totally agree with their methods or their ways, but the message is true. They take a scientific approach on things, and always are in the mindframe of getting people help. That’s what’s most important. I think sometimes we get lost in the “reality” of the show. Granted, it is reality, but if they hadn’t done it, then we’d be watching “Most Haunted” or “Ghost Adventures”. While I don’t want to pass judgement on those shows, I think we can all agree that TAPS have further pushed the envelope for acceptable methodology and truth seeking.
The show is definitely entertaining for me, and I honestly don’t put a lot of thought into it. I did early on in Seasons 1 and 2 when they weren’t finding anything except plausible explanations. It seemed a lot more genuine then – that’s where my love and admiration started. And much like a troublemaking child, the parents still love them. Although they seem at times to be attempting to further their publicity, they still maintain the honor that started the venture 20 years ago, and I fully believe them to be genuine. They’ve stated many times that their goal is to bring interest to the field, in hopes that more people help the growing number of situations in need of paranormal research. Be it through TV, radio, or DVDs, they’ve accomplished their goal, all the while keeping true to the original code they set forth. I respect them for that, even though they may have wavered in scope from time to time.
I’ll write more later on my break.
Hi Dave, one of my biggest issues with TAPS is not that they take a debunking approach. I tend to be very skeptical myself; however, their approach is to decide, based on a few hours, whether a place is haunted or not, and I do not think that is helpful, or fair.
Ghosts do not perform on command, and yet in the past few years, these guys have taken to basically ordering them to do just that.
I personally believe in ghosts, but I do not think the investigation of them lends itself to these kinds of investigations. TAPS doesn’t use psychics, mediums or sensitives in their work, and when they do find a haunting, they do not offer any follow-up help, either to the residents or to the ghost.
Therefore, it is hard for me to believe that the GH shows are done for anything but effect. I think these shows could be so much more than they are. Perhaps that is not TAPS fault, but I do think they need to address these issues.
Hey blackcatlounge! I agree that most of the shenanigans seem to have been pushed for by either Pilgrim or SyFy. The over production is obvious and quite annoying at times. Hopefully in the coming season, they can get back to simpler times.
As for the follow up, TAPs definitely offers follow up. Because of the editing, it’s not always seen, but they do. In fact, should the need arise for a return investigation, they contact the local TAPs Family Team to perform this (as it would be an insane notion to expect the TAPs team to re-investigate every place experiencing recurring phenomena. Also, Grant has stated that the team receives over 1000 requests to investigate every month. Based on this, they developed the Family Team system to help those in need when the main team can’t get there. Honestly, I believe that’s extremely noble of them and really the best they can do.
All that being said, it IS still a reality show, and should be taken as such. I guess it’s just that in this day and age, it’s still the most genuinely cool thing on TV anymore. I feel like the team is trying to make a difference and get people thinking. That’s more than I can say for most shows.
Thanks for responding!
If Jason and Grant wanted to be dramatic, they could easily pronounce more places as “haunted”. Instead most of the places don’t get termed as haunted. I think they are doing the best they can with current technology. I have seen a few of the other “paranormal” ghost shows and they don’t have the same quality.
I think that T”marA does have an axe to grind and is one of these people who would still poo poo no matter what was presented.
We have polar opposite views here in this discussion, and unfortunately, both of those poles are missing the bigger picture. Dave, the original author seems to be in the middle. He ‘gets it’. Some, but not all of you might not be very open minded on the subject.
For example, T’marA seems to just be ANTI-TAPS, and not interested in hearing otherwise.
NYCParanormal, the one that was so quick to point out how wrong I am seems to be ready to fight for TAPS til the end, regardless of what facts are layed out before him/her.
What is being forgotten is that TAPS is a paranormal investigation team. Ghost Hunters is a television show.
This article is about the television show, and not a Ghost Hunting/Paranormal Investigation team. There’s a BIG difference. It’s possible to actually LIKE the show, and hate the team.
The show has done both good and bad things for the paranormal field. Some of the bad things include the fact that a lot of people watching the show tend to repeat what they see whether its good or bad, and blindly believe in unproven methodologies and try nothing new. That kind of thinking is helping to stunt progress in the field to a standstill. Lets not forget all of the thousands of uncommitted and unethical fly by night ghost hunter/investigation teams popping up all over the place because they saw it on TV. How bout all of the teams out there thinking that the field is about getting famous? Nobody can deny that there have been some really bad effects of programs like this on the field.
There are a lot of positive things too. The show’s added a hint of credibility to the field if you believe its even remotely real. Its’ made scientific methodology more known in the field. Most importantly IN MY OPINION, it’s provided a glimmer of hope that someday soon we MAY just be able to capture some piece of SOLID evidence that paranormal events DO in fact take place, or that there’s something on the other side of death.
I enjoyed it for the first couple of seasons.
Personally, at the beginning of season 3, I decided that I had had enough of the whole thing. Does this mean that I’m ANTI-TAPS? Acording to NYC Paranormal, it most certainly does. Apparently I’m jealous because they’re “more successful”.
It’s ok to be a fan of TAPS. I just think that a LOT.. a HELL of a lot of people allow the enjoyment for the television show, the people on the show, and what they see on the show cloud their judgement here in the REAL world, and progress in the field suffers from following the show so blindly.
I DO agree that they’re more successful… In the entertainment industry. As investigators, I submit that they’re no more or less successful than MANY other paranormal investigation teams. There are a LOT of smaller, and lesser known teams that have a lot for us to learn from, as well as wisdom that isn’t going to appear on the sci fi channel. Unfortunately, it’s just not dramatic enough.
Sorry Dave, I have to use you as an example… but don’t worry, I’m gonna to say nice things.
Dave Chellis, the author of this article is the founder, and lead investigator of Charleston Paranormal Society. I fully endorse his group, and that’s why I wanted him to write for our site here. I thought that the paranormal community had a lot to learn from his outlook on the field, his teams investigations, and exploits. I would have MUCH preferred to read about THEM instead.
The point I’m trying to make is, Theres a lot of hero worship in the field for a specific ghost hunting team based ONLY on a television show that NOBODY can seem to CONCLUSIVELY verify if it’s even real Or fake. TAPS MAY be legitimate and respectable investigators. Some of you believe so, and I’ll conced that ‘fact. I’ll take your word for it because I have NO CLUE beyond what I’ve seen on the TV show. Unfortunately the show makes me suspicious BECAUSE it’s a show.
Im sure on REAL inestigations when the sci-fi cameras aren’t running… TAPS are probably all bid-ness, and no show. I’m down with that if it’s true, but blindly believing in ANYTHING let alone what you see on a TV program might not be the wisest thing to do.
Bottom line, I think our lesser known teams deserve just as much respect even if they’re not famous… ESPECIALLY because they’re not famous. They’re doing it thanklessly without the fans, or fame, and without the huge network paycheck. There’s more out there to learn in the field than only one team on a questionable TV show can teach.
Holy crap, this comment is longer than the frickin’ article.
There’s no question Grant fabricated the collar pull. That alone casts doubt on all other “evidence” he “uncovers”. Sorry, but that’s what happens when you have no integrity.
Bamster out.
There are many good points in the on-going discussion regarding Dave’s article.
I personally feel that The Atlantic Paranormal Society has been able to elevate paranormal investigating to the level of a pop culture phenomena with the help of the television show they are involved with–Ghost Hunters. Never before has ghosts and other paranormal phenomena been so popular with so many people, unless you consider the advent of spiritualism that occurred hundreds of years ago. So, in my estimation, they do deserve some credit.
Sure, they have experienced some phenomenal success and have obviously capitalized on it. And, the good comes with the bad. I’m certain that they have made some pretty obvious mistakes when it comes to capturing ‘evidence.’ People continue to bring up Eastern State ‘apparition’ and the ‘collar tug’ which are either obvious hoaxes or powerful evidence depending on your opinion. I personally believe the ‘apparition’ of the Civil War solider captured on the surface of a locker in an early episode to be a clear mis-identification of Grant’s reflection while using a thermal imaging camera. That’s what I think.
I would be wholeheartedly disappointed to discover that Jason and Grant were nothing but outright hoaxers or that the production crew where able to fool them with manufactured evidence. Mistakes have been made, and certainly the show is spiced up for production values as it is a television show, and that means its entertainment. The majority of us realize that rarely do paranormal investigations occur as they do on television.
On an upcoming episode, Ghost Hunters will be investigating a location that I am intimately familiar with. I wrote an article about TAPS visit to this location in July that appears on this wonderful Web site. In my not so humble opinion, the purported ‘evidence’ from this location was highly exaggerated presumably in an attempt to get the television show’s attention. And it worked. They filmed an episode at the location which should air sometime in October 2009. I, for one, will be watching the episode in which the Amos J. Blake House Museum is featured very closely.
I do realize that Ghost Hunters is a television show– entertainment–but feel that the effect it has had on increasing the overall attention to paranormal phenomena to be positive.
However, I will be interested to see if Ghost Hunters evidence from the investigation coincides with what I know to be true about the location based on my personal experience, and is not as exaggerated as the tenuous reports that drew their attention to the location in the first place.
WOW!!! What a cat fight. hey, I think everyone has a valid point here, but your forgetting that rather TAPS is real deal or show steal, all they ever do is diagnostics. based on a few hours of investigation.
Where is the science ? What do they do with the evidence ? Just file it away ? Do any of them really know what an EMF meater is telling them, or why ? Do they even understand any of the research in physics regarding EVP ?
Anybody can go ghosthunting and collect evidence, but to understand paranormal activity you have to do the science.
I got to admit that I like Jason and Grant, their nice guys. Very wealthy nice guys, who arn’t about to give up their new found fame and wealth for paranormal research.
Not to play devil’s advocate, since I don’t believe in ghosts, I will say I watch and enjoy GhostHunters. Their appeal is that of the guys-next-door who pursue their fascinations with gusto. We can identify with them, nerdy, some of them not the smartest, but all interested in what they’re doing.
Do I agree with all of their conclusions when it comes to some evidence? No.
And it is precisely the, what I could with what I know, that has appeal. It’s not a boring, look at all our computers, scientific documentary. It’s homespun.
For example, I firmly believe that some of the stuff they’ve encountered or heard have been homeless people or squatters, good at hiding. In another instance, something they hear is most definitely a cat. I’ve heard cats make that sound. And the cat on the thermal camera earlier just reinforces my feeling on this.
One must remember that they did this stuff, before there was a show. That they are the producers, etc. isn’t surprising. If someone wanted to make a show about what I did I would want and expect some such control.
Have they themselves been scammed at times? I’m sure of it. Has a member of the group played tricks on the others? I’m sure of it. It happens in real life, why shouldn’t it happen here? I’m willing to bet some of that has been caught on camera. Does it negate them or their show? No.
The question is not – could this have been faked? Because the answer is a resounding yes. Could the moon landing have been faked? Could Obama’s election have been faked? One of the issues with real life is that yeah just about anything can be faked. But just because something could be faked, or could be done another way, doesn’t mean that it was.
The fact that they’ve made bank with their hobby is great. And I think that all of those crying that they’re liars and fakers are either just jealous, or they’re the kind of people who just have to dump on others…just because.
My opinion is, way to go Grant and Jason, keep entertaining us, follow your dream. I hope you’re not just hollywood types, you don’t seem to be.
Well real or fake, I’ll take a pay check from them. lol
Did anybody ever listen to Donna from GH talk about how there is a “Staging” crew? She was on the show, and hinted at possible fake evidence from the past…. AND THIS IS FROM SOMEONE WHO WAS ON THE SHOW… what does that tell you as far as wether or not they are real or entertainment?
Donna Lacroix debunks the Ghost Hunters
Weâve all seen her, weâve all loved her, and weâve all missed her on the Ghost Hunters. Now Donna Lacroix, the original case manager from Ghost Hunters and investigator with Ghost Hunters International, is back and itâs not good.
Making a call-in appearance on the radio show âGhost Divas,â Donna Lacroix let it all fly with one of the most difficult to listen to diatribes that Iâve ever had the displeasure of sitting through. Within a span of 30 minutes, Donna pulled out all the stops and in between ridiculous rants from the Ghost Divas she served up the following tidbits:
– Calling it âshenanigansâ and âsh*tty ethicsâ she commented on the various shows where it was claimed that the GH team was investigating a place for the first time, when in fact it had been investigated numerous times by other paranormal teams.
– Her contract with GHI, as well as Brianâs and Andyâs which were the same as hers, were so bad that the three of them âalmost went bankruptâ and that is why they all left GHI one-by-one, but that she believe Jason and Grant are set for life due to their producerâs rights and portion of the merchandising. She went a step further to say that she isnât sure if Jason and Grant knew or not, but then added that they didnât give a sh*t. She added that she, Brian and Andy all had the same entertainment lawyer that was supposed to be good, but apparently wasnât.
– Ghost Hunters is a completely entertainment show.
– Jason and Grant are âthe kingsâ and they had their whipping-boy in Brian and that she feels that Brian was exploited to the point of mental abuse.
– Everyone is out to stab you in the back.
– Rumor has it that there is a staging crew.
– When asked if she noticed anything being âfakedâ she replied that she hadnât but that the team knew how she would react to something like that so they must have hidden that stuff from her. She then states that there was an instance (she refused to name the show) when she was a victim of âeditingâ and that she cried for 4 days over it and she was lied to and told to âkeep your mouth shut.â
– She repeatedly called the TAPS phenomena a âcult mentality,â that not everything you see is real, people need to start thinking for themselves, and that she was expressing anger toward the GH production company when she was photographed at a paranormal lecture in her GHI hoodie and flipping the bird. Going a step further she mentioned repeatedly that she was threatened and that âthey have their minions.â
– She admitted that she âis bitter.â That she has to work all the time because the show put her in such a financial hole. That she is living with her parents due to the same financial issues.
– She repeatedly stated that she is not afraid and that she doesnât care what people think of her.
– Switching gears she stated that her experience with the shows was not all bad. That she made some great connections, met some really nice people and was glad that Ghost Hunters had brought the paranormal discussion into so many living rooms.
You can listen to the entire radio show over here. Just be forewarned, itâs really long and the Ghost Divas are so full of themselves that at times they barely let Donna speak, instead, they go off on some weird rant about getting their boobs done when they turn 40.
Jason Hawes had this to say in rebuttal on the website scifake.com:
– Peoples (sic) views on things are their views, People can say whatever they want. That is what makes the country great.
– I was asked not to respond about it directly from Syfy and Pilgrim, They want to write something up and release it. We have nothing to hide so I am comfortable with that.
– I do ask that the fans of GH to not attack her in anyway, and please do not say negative things about her.
For a few minutes this was on Jasonâs Twitter feed but then it was removed:
– As for those asking if I heard radio thing. A bit. Not concerned at all. TAPS has never done anything wrong. People can say what they want
Bill Stone, just admit it, you don’t like wrestlers! I think that having the wrestling stars on the show was probably a stunt by the network to attract attention from shows that get ratings (i.e. Ghost Hunters, the flagship of their whole network) to other shows like wrestling that only have a niche following. They’ve done similar things with guest investigators from other shows. IMHO, I don’t think that TAPS was entirely comfortable with them being there since most of the dialogue between the wrestling stars and TAPS seemed scripted. I’m giving them a lot of credit here. It got better when Josh Gates was a celebrity guest investigator as well as the host of the Ghost Hunters Live episodes.
I agree with the original poster (the OP for y’all who don’t know) that we all CAN learn from TAPS whether from their skills or from their mistakes. The locations that they have access to are really cool. It showcases all of the opportunities that we as paranormal investigators have available to us. Of course, not all of these places are haunted, but I’ve visited many such places from homes, to businesses, to historical landmarks, to ships, and on and on. The integrity of any TV show will always be suspect due to the obvious profit motive from the network. It’s a built-in conflict of interest, but I can’t place all of the blame on TAPS. I don’t let them off if they do participate in publicity stunts or hoaxes either.
One thing that I have learned from paranormal investigation and from TAPS in general is that you really CANNOT declare a place “Not Haunted” based on one investigation. You can present evidence of a haunting, but we don’t know enough to say, “definitely not haunted.” All that you can say on the negative side is that we didn’t find anything this time. I actually don’t mind at all when TAPS investigated, and said that they didn’t find anything. This is much more of the norm in the field than finding “something” at every location. The last few seasons of the show are moving in “everything’s haunted” direction, and I’m not quite sure what to make of it.
I’ve watched Ghost Hunters from day 1, and I still enjoy the show to this day. I take everything with a grain of salt whether it comes from someone I’m working with or from TAPS. That’s just healthy skepticism. I encourage everyone to do the same.