EMF Meters and Causes of High EMF’s
~Written By Ryan Sparks~Â
Everyone who is a paranormal investigator knows a bit about what an EMF meter does. An EMF meter is an electronic device that has the ability to obtain EMF readings in an area. Readings for paranormal activity are believed to range between 2.0 and 8.0. Any reading above this is usually something emitting a man-made electromagnetic field. A lot of people don’t strongly suggest EMF detectors and use dowsing rods instead. When it comes to dowsing rods, the hands can tend to manipulate the rods and I don’t have enough proof to believe in them. But I beg to differ with the use of EMF detectors. EMF’s are a tool to read the electromagnetic field. When it spikes into a certain reading from .5 – 2.0, you have to be aware of your surroundings because a lot of electronic devices can trigger your detector to go “nutso.” This is why it is good to do an EMF sweep in each room and document each reading you acquire.
Make sure you hold your EMF steady and note each movement of milligaus readings. Don’t get me wrong, there are some hyper sensitive EMF’s out there and trust me, I’ve been there and the detector will give you some inaccurate occurrences and you just need to know what you’re dealing with. One thing I find a problem with is cell phones which go off with the EMF detector and so does some of your equipment such as the infrared cameras and digital recorders, plus sometimes even a Mini DV will set off an EMF detector. Yet, when it comes to the paranormal and EMF’s, it’s all theoretical. Maybe someday EMF meters will actually be able to capture readings and label certain things paranormal. You never know! The paranormal field is always changing and developing new theories. It’s one of the best things right now since sliced bread lol!
High EMF Fields and their Effects
When you get into the causes of high EMf field studies out there have been reporting, results include which include: headaches, anxiety, suicide and depression, nausea, fatigue, and even hallucinations which contain – feeling of being watched, hearing voices and even being touched physically. A lot of people claim their house is haunted but it could be just a high EMF’s in the home. Keep in mind where you see high EMF readings on investigations which could come in handy in any conclusions you may draw from an investigation.
 Please make sure that you visit Ryan’s investigation team’s website, OH-MI Paranormal at http://www.ohmiparanormal.com
Well done, What you say is truth. As paranormal researchers, we spend as much time simply monitoring the environment for changes as we do anything else. The EMF meter will show some of these changes in the field, and is a valuble tool in our box.
Another great tool is the ion counter. Although a little pricy around $350.00, it seems they may be worth their weight in ghosts. Everytime that I have used one in conjunction with anEVP session The Ion count always goes way up in the area at the time EVP is recorded.
Happy Haunting,
I like your style, the fact that your site is a little bit different makes it so interesting, I get fed up of seeing same-old-same-old all of the time. I’ve just stumbled this page for you 😀
Thank you for a straight forward, easily understood article that is grounded in common sense. An experienced ghost hunter can take away as much from it as an ‘amateur.’
Bobby Elgee; Sights Unseen Paranormal
Bobby! Thanks for stopping by! Been wondering about ya, havn’t seen ya in a while.
I’ve got mixed feelings about EMF detectors. One hand I think that it’s a great idea to determine whether or not a location has high EMF from unshielded wires, electrical boxes, certain appliances, etc. There’s been a lot of discussion regarding some people being sensitive to EMF. It may be a cause for people to BELIEVE that they are experiencing the paranormal. It’s a good idea to rule that one out early just like you would use a carbon monoxide or a radon detector first to see if there are elevated levels of these gases that may be causing people to have dangerous symptoms that they are unknowningly confusing as paranormal.
On the other hand I don’t recommend that investigators use EMF detectors DURING an investigation. There are so many things around us that produce EMF from lightbulbs, small electronics, cameras, cell phones, radios, and even little refrigerator magnets. The EMF meters commonly used by paranormal investigators read EMF in the milligauss range and most of these common EMF emitters produce EMF MUCH greater than that (like over 1,000 times greater)!
Just look around you for example. There has to be at least 5 things that produce EMF in any room of the house. Say that you do turn off the power in the house. Then you’ve still got your cell phones, cameras, radios, other investigative devices that produce EMF, and you can’t turn off magnets.
I’m not saying that EMF cannot be the result of paranormal activity. There’s no way to prove that yet. What we DO know for sure is that we are almost constantly immersed in EMF, and there’s way too much interference around us to use the standard milligauss EMF meters. Ever get a K-II hit when somebody with a cell phone enters the room or walks around the corner? The K-II is basically a cell phone detector as far as I’m concerned. Cell phone signals are practically everywhere so it’s really difficult to trust a K-II in the same way that it’s difficult to trust an EMF spike. It could be paranormal, but there’s probably at least a hundred other reasons why it isn’t. I’ve yet to see EMF or EVP evidence captured inside of a Faraday cage or other shielded environment.
A As with all EMF meters, the Mel meter detection distance depends on the location and strength of the radiation source.