Quantum Paranormal 004
~Written By Don S. Wilson~
    While I still stumble across the hard headed paranormal know it all investigator from time to time, it is nice to know that we can still experiment with our various ideas about how this all may work. I recently have been involved in an investigation that included several trips to the same location. Over and over again I seemed to be getting the same results. EVP was off the charts, Photo evidence although not great, was there, and EMFs were showing correspondence. What was lacking was the personal experience. Nobody felt or heard a thing during the time we were there.
    Usually someone feels something during the amount of activity that was apparently happening while we were there. Seems the only person who felt anything was the owner. I became suspicious. I asked the owner, who by the way claims to be a sensitive, if she would allow me to wire her home for sound and video at a time she wasn’t there. She agreed to this after my explaining to her that I simply wanted to see if the paranormal events would occur without her there.
    In order to make sure that she wasn’t slipping into her home during the time of my investigation, I invited her to our house for an evening knowing that my wife would make her comfortable and entertained. I proceeded to net the house, and make sure that all equipment was working properly. I made sure that all EMF readers were in camera view, all recorders running, video on, Windows shut, power off, (except outlets) and doors locked.
    When I walked out the front door it was 10:37 PM. I didn’t get back to the house until almost 6:00 AM because I overslept. I retrieved all my equipment and let the owner have back her house. I went home and slept several hours. The next day I reviewed as much audio as I could. the video would have to wait till the next day.
    As I reviewed this data I realized that my suspicions of the owner were totally unfounded. It was absolutely amazing the amount of activity that was going on in that house with no one there.
In some respects, it was as if an entire other family was living there in a different time. The really cool thing was that you could hear happiness.
    As far as video??? All I can say is that it did reveal some strange interference at times when EVP was close by. Almost as if someone was walking past the camera as they were speaking.
This is one of those special locations that seem to be random yet organized in its activity. As for EMFs, well unfortunately, every time there was interference the EMF meter went blurry and prevented me from getting a reading.
    So as you can see, it doesn’t take a quantum physicist to study the paranormal. Just a good idea and an open mind can take you leaps and bounds. I do still believe however, that quantum physics will eventually show us how these events work.
I agree that ghosts don’t come out on cue. It’s almost impossible to say that a location is NOT HAUNTED since we still have so much to understand about what HAUNTED is in the first place. I try to gauge the credibility of the client and/or those making the claims to determine if the place is worth my time to investigate or to return to after an investigation.
Believe it or not, it is not easy to just find places to go investigate. You have to go where people will let you, and these aren’t always the most interesting locations. EVERY investigation is an opportunity to experiment with new techniques and to hone your skills and those of your teammates.
As far as I’m concerned, paranormal research is a matter of subtleties like slight object manipulation, CLEARLY-DEFINED EVP, or some form of credible apparition. Some groups have also experimented with low signal energy manipulation experiments with various types of electronic devices. From what I’ve seen potential paranormal events are INCREDIBLY RARE, but unmistakable when encountered. It takes persistence and consistency. Repeat investigations are not interesting, especially when you’re sitting in a quiet location all night, but they are absolutely essential for scientific credibility.
Can you reproduce ANY aspect of the phenomena that you observed? This is the challenge as you’re not going to convince any skeptic with one photo or EVP. It takes multiple pieces of evidence to suggest that the phenomena occurred outside of random chance.
Any thoughts?
Thanks Matt,
This particuler location belongs to a friend of mine and has provided some interesting phenomina over a long period of time. Some of the best and most clear EVP I have ever obtained came from this location. As you said it takes serious evidence to get me to the point that I feel confident that something paranormal is going on. So I will continue to work this location for a longer period of time to look for patterns and other evidence. Thats all we can do sometimes.
It is true that invvestigations can be hard to come by. So when things are slow, I go back to old ones and re work them. It can be very boring, and thats why I don’t live my life around this. I let it come to me.
Hi, Don, the location sounds VERY cool. I’d love to check it out for myself. Usually, as you pointed out, when a location is active, everybody knows it. In your case you ONLY noticed it when reviewing evidence.
I liked that you said that it sounded like a happy family of spirits was living there. It’s inspiring to think that such happy memories can continue into the afterlife. This article was a very good read!
I agree with Matt…
“From what I’ve seen potential paranormal events are INCREDIBLY RARE, but unmistakable when encountered.”
A friend of mine lives in a house and has experienced over 25 years of activity, and she described something nearly as you said….
“In some respects, it was as if an entire other family was living there in a different time”
The voices at her house would be that of different people, and she described them as sounding alive but from a different time or space. They certainly sounded that way to me from the multiple EVP I heard. The voices also appeared to respond directly to questions. And they would change over the years.
For a short while, my friend–who is also an investigator–gave direct instructions to the “spirits.” For example, I remember when she told the “little girl” to stay home because the voice of what sounded like that same “little girl” started showing up in EVP gathered during our investigations.
It is still hard for me to believe, but I can tell you that for awhile, we were concerned that “Sarah” was following my friend due to the audio we recorded over a 6 month period from investigations of multiple locations within an approximate 100 miles radius. And “Sarah” didn’t just show up on my friend’s recorder, albeit that is a question that bears asking. I can clearly remember her voice and if I forget it, we have her on tape.
As an aside, I suppose by definition if an EVP is paranormal, there is no way to confirm where it originated from. It’s a catch-22 as far as proof goes because aren’t all EVP debunkable?
One of the things I do now is to look if the EVP shows up on two or more audio sources. I’ve had a least one encounter where a strong EVP showed up on a digital recorder, a hi-8mm video recorder, and a tape recorder at the same time. But still, this doesn’t prove jack. Number 1, you should try and determine if it’s a disembodied voice vs an EVP. Number 2, you’re back to square one.
Remember how an apparition may appear to multiple people. One person hears a voice, another smells some perfume, another see’s a shadow out of the corner of their eye, and someone will occasionally see a fully formed figure in detailed clothing that is later identified as a person who used to live in the location.
All of this can happen with 4 people are standing there at the same time. The obvious elephant in the room is the potential “5th Person” who is theoretically causing the phenomena.
Now that’s a scary name for a movie.
Whenever you can catch multiple anomalies going on simultaneously–including a first-person reports–I believe that lends the most credit to any “ghost story.”