~Written By Danielle Lee~Â Â Â Â
Long gnarled horns protruding from his sinister head, hooves dripping with blood and evil. Hot red skin that enjoys and absorbs the heat that oozes from the torrid depths of hell. Whips slash and echo in the caverns of hate and the embers of fire burn unceasingly never allowing the ash to form. Cries of pain and unending torture reverberate off the walls of eternal agony.
The devil has long since been the nemesis of the light and goodness in the world. Born from the pages of the most ancient best seller, his plague of existence has been the bane of our mortal fears for thousands of years. His minions create terror in our conscious and subconscious for fear they will erode and devour our soul, consuming our very material reality and forever owning our soul.
He has been bestowed with many an alias over the centuries, from Lucifer to Satan to Beelzebub and Belial, all spark fear and terror in the hearts and souls of those who give him credence.
Religion and the bible maintain that specific rules, regulations and general moral attitudes must be strictly followed or the consequences will be a dire and horrible eternal existence with this monstrosity. A tyrannical and morbidly petty god from above will banish his beloved children’s souls forever to suffer their disobedience against him.
Why do humans inflict this sort of thinking and belief system upon themselves simply because a book told them so?
Imagine yourself back in the time of Greek mythology when there was a specific god for nearly every element and force in nature. The gods of fire, war, water, earth and sun. The Greeks had well over thirty major gods not to mention the vast array of minor gods and goddesses. By today’s standards, these whimsical storybook gods of old are considered obsolete and even silly, but the people of that timeframe believed with all of their hearts and souls in these fairytale archetypes. Imagine yourself trying to explain to them about your own vastly different belief system and how they may react.
Now picture yourself a thousand or more years in the future, do you think the beliefs and ideals of this new era will vastly disagree with your own era’s? Do you think a highly evolved society will have a more advanced and logical state of awareness.
It’s a very distinct probability that they will have conquered the ideas and concepts of the twenty first centuries fears and mass illusions of an evil underlord.
In regards to exorcisms and demonic minions who possess the unwilling human soul, consider this, babies and animals never seem to ever be afflicted with this atrocity. The apparent possessions and horrific experiences of demonic infliction seem to only resonate with those at a certain level of consciousness.
A baby for example has no verbal capabilities nor understanding of judgement, bibles or demons until a much later age. Animals have no comprehension whatsoever of any moral or restrictive bylaws, therefore do not qualify as possession potentials for the wayward demon. A victim must have verbal understanding and self awareness for the darkness to be able to manipulate them. They prey on the weak who have been taught to only think or act with permission.
The devil is merely a late night fable told by those who wish to control the masses by fear and restriction. Enlightenment and positive self awareness is the only cure for the malady of dis-ease of society.Â
Copyright Danielle Lee All Rights Reserved 2008
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